Episode 70: Diane Barbarash on Multi-Media Songwriting, Getting Busted, and Finding Your Way to Self Expression

Singer-Songwriter/Producer/Multi-Media Artist Diane Barbarash came on to share 3 new inspiring ways of creating and delivering music to audiences.

To listen to Lost in the Wild, and to hear Diane's Aerogram songs to date, visit:


To support the Indigenous Fashion Week in Vancouver, running November 28th-December 1st, reach out to Diane by the email she provided in the episode, or through instagram at https://www.instagram.com/dianebarbarash/ to find out how to purchase the Iceland Project Calendar.

To check out the Diane's expressive art book "Evidence of Love," visit:


To receive Diane's book or aerogram's for free, contact Diane directly to get on her list.

Share you thoughts on this episode in the Write Songs You Love Facebook Community group.

For songwriting prompts, challenges, and good thoughtful fun, check out the Write Songs You Love Newsletter at https://writesongsyoulove.substack.com


Episode 71: Good and Bad Songs


Episode 69: Curiosity and Following the Bread Crumb Trail