Welcome to the 2025 Teacup Challenge!

What is it?

The Teacup Challenge 2025 is 7 days of songwriting.

What it is -

*It’s a daily writing challenge for a small chunk of time.

*Write a song in the time it takes you to make and drink a cup of tea/coffee.

*Song needs to be a minimum of 1 minute long

It runs Wednesday-Friday in week 1, and Monday-Thursday on week 2 with a live Zoom song share on the last Friday (Jan. 1st - Jan. 10th). There will be a new daily writing prompt that you can use . . . or not.

All I care about is that you’re writing!

Prompts for the week are posted at the top of this page, daily in the community Facebook group, and at @writesongsyoulove on Instagram. Use #teacupchallenge2025 to tag your progress if you feel like sharing.

More info and suggestions for the prompts will be found on Instagram, and in the Facebook group. Click below to join the group, and give your creativity a boost!

*For more fun practice, introduce what you share with a brief story, a dedication, or really anything other than “Please like and share.” Invite us in to your song with simple story or idea.

Have fun!! ❤️